Analytics & Insights

Providing Visualisation and Intelligence

Revector Analytics

An estimated $58 billion is lost annually to fraud and mis-billing by network operators – one of the most severe threats to revenue and quality of service worldwide. Revector helps operators address interconnect bypass fraud in real-time, effectively tackling the major challenge of revenue loss.

Intelligent Software

  • Full control and visual representation of activity when it come to Simboxing
  • Manage intelligence activities
  • Operational oversight
  • Simple export of customised reports and data
  • Data displayed with graphical charts
  • Simple click to filter and manage data


ISMI Catch

Revector Analytics

Revector Analytics, an online management reporting tool, which brings immediacy and interactivity to allow fast and effective analysis and reporting.

It allows Risk Management teams to view the MSISDNs detected and the calls generated, providing a thorough, fast 1-click intuitive analysis and control of real-time data.

This goes far beyond basic reporting and empowers the client to explore our data extensively.


Features include

  • High level KPIs by numbers or percentages
  • On-net and cross-net bypass
  • Breakdown of failed calls, no cli & losses
  • Real-time refresh of data: Revector Analytics shows gateway MSISDNs as they are detected
  • Customised dashboard for all clients –local or international time
  • Slicing of results by time, date and re-filing network to show how bypass changes over time
  • Graphical charting, including a monthly analysis of proportion of refile by network
  • A country-wide dashboard with configurable, bypass-related KPIs
  • One-click export of any table of data to Microsoft Excel or printer
  • One touch report generation for customised any specified time period

Analytics Mapping

Advanced analytics mapping provide the location areas of all the GSM Gateways or SIM Server antennas operating in the country and show the changes over time.

As well as drilling down to the locations, Revector Analytics can provide the actual losses by cell or per gateway site so informed decision can be made.

Other information can be overlayed to the maps such as other fraud and dealer locations to help the Risk Management team access the situation. This information is then immediately available to drive testing to pin point the actual location down to a room for raids to take place.